Peter in Prison
Acts Quiz #6
Acts 12
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Questions with square boxes may have more than one correct answer.
1. Who did Herod kill with the sword?
James the brother of John
2. Who did Herod put in prison when he saw that the Jews were pleased when he killed James?
3. What did Herod intend to do with Peter after he captured him?
Let him go
Kill him
Thank him
4. The night before Peter was to be killed, what was he doing?
Planning his escape
Writing a letter
5. Who suddenly appeared in Peter's prison cell?
An angel
6. What fell off of Peter's wrists?
His wristwatch
7. As the angel led Peter out of prison, what did Peter think was happening?
He was going to be killed
He was dreaming
He was dead already
8. How did Peter and the angel get through the iron gate that led to the city?
The believers opened it for them
It vanished
It opened all by itself
It fell down with a loud crash
9. What happened to the angel as soon as Peter left the prison and entered the city?
He was hit by a chariot
He became as bright as the sun
He disappeared
10. Why did Peter go to Mary's house?
Martha was out of town
He was hungry
The church was meeting there to pray
11. Who came to the door when Peter knocked and was so excited that she forgot to open the door?
12. The next day, what happened to the soldiers that had been guarding Peter?
They were paid to lie
They were killed
They were made fun of
13. What did the people of Tyre and Sidon say that Herod was?
A ring of fire
A wimp
A god
A golden statue
14. What happened to Herod when he became filled with selfish pride?
He burst into flames
He sang a song
He was eaten by worms and died
15. What happened to the church?
It died out and was no more
It grew and flourished
King Herod stopped it from growing
It was taken over by a large corporation