Nehemiah Hears Bad News
Nehemiah Quiz #1
Nehemiah 1:1 - 2:8
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Questions with square boxes may have more than one correct answer.
1. In what book of the Bible do we read about Nehemiah?
1 Samuel
2. Where did Nehemiah live?
In the palace in Shushan, Persia
In the temple at Jerusalem
In the Great Pyramid of Egypt
In the peak of Mount Rushmore
3. What was Nehemiah's job?
King's driver
King's cup-bearer
King's baker
King's chef
4. If you were a king, what kind of person would you want for your cup-bearer?
Very tall
Very handsome
Very quiet
Very trustworthy
5. What bad news did Nehemiah hear from some travelers? (Check all that apply)
Jerusalem's well ran out of water
Jerusalem's walls were broken down
Jerusalem's gates had been burned
Jerusalem was filled with poisonous snakes
Jerusalem was flooded with water
6. What did Nehemiah do when he heard this bad news?
Worshiped an idol
Mourned, fasted, and prayed
Brought the king three cups
Quit his job
7. What does it mean to fast?
To worship an idol
To eat Kosher foods only
To not eat
To eat quickly
To drive a chariot faster than Jehu
8. How many times had Nehemiah been sad in the king's presence?
This was the first time
He was sad daily
He was sad every full moon
9. When Nehemiah was sad in the king's presence, what did the king ask Nehemiah?
What country are you from?
What is wrong and how can I help?
How old is your horse?
How many people live in Jerusalem?
10. After the King asked Nehemiah his question, what did Nehemiah do before answering?
Bowed low before the king's chef
11. Around what date did Nehemiah live?
2345 BC
555 BC
444 BC
0 BC